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goobster  ·  1283 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Made (half) a song for funsies for the first time

Holy shit this is gorgeous.

I'm definitely inspired.

Going to see what I can do with this... it'll be my first real collaboration, so there are gonna be some technological hurdles to overcome, but I'm in.

This is going to be so much more fulfilling than watching election news tonight...


Technical questions:

How do I get the sound file out of SoundCloud and into Garageband?

What's the BPM?

I think this needs to be about 4x longer, so I want to write a bridge or middle section to tag onto the end of this piece, then repeat this piece, and then do a closing section... I have no idea what they will sound like, but I feel like that's a good structure for the song.