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goobster  ·  1508 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: We Don’t Know How to Warn You Any Harder. America is Dying.

This is kinda where I am at right now, too.

Regardless who wins in November, Humpty Dumpty has fallen off the wall and won't be put back together again. Something new will be in its place.

Because, even if Biden wins, he has been left with a giant bag of shit that he now needs to force down all of America's throats; a responsible and effective response to Coronavirus will see mandatory lockdowns, mask-wearing, vaccinations, and other panic-buttons of the lunatic right. Crushing white supremacy is effectively like trying to squash our own Taliban... they practice in private, in their own groups, and work towards any goal that is contrary to the ruling party. In the 1970's and 80's the FBI and various agencies tried to do this with the various Michigan Militia loonies, and that just led to Ruby Ridge and Waco. Addressing climate change in a massively aggressive manner will require Americans to swallow the hard pill, and change their views on solar panels and windmills and on entire (dead) industries, like coal and drilling for oil. Changing the American psyche away from the coal miner and oil-stained field worker, and towards making heroes of guys in man-buns putting up solar panels, or wearing OSHA-approved harnesses while servicing a windmill is going to be a tall order for ANY Madison Avenue ad agency. And that doesn't even touch on the health insurance system (because we don't have a healthcare system, we have a business bring propped up by exorbitant prices and flat our extortion), and revamping that wasteland.

Biden is fucked.

He can't even compel a friend to make him a sandwich, must less get that vocal asshole 10% of America to turn around and stop slinging shit long enough for him to get something done.

AND, when he gets into office on Day 1 and fires all of the Trump donors who have been put in charge of demolishing all of the various Federal agencies, he has now created the exact "deep state" that we all fear; a bunch of morally bankrupt corporate cronies with deep inside knowledge of the very agencies they want to destroy.

And those people will go to work for the truly shitty organizations that have had paved the road to the Great American Demise for decades: Exxon, Philip-Morris, Blackwater, Foster Farms, etc.

So Biden's efforts to rehabilitate our democracy will be sour pills that everyone has to swallow, and then vote for him AGAIN, as austerity and humility and embarrassment become our daily bread.

That doesn't even begin to touch on issues like the desperate need for a Truth and Reconciliation Commission or something to prosecute those who have pissed all over our Constitution, like Bill Barr and Rudy Giuliani.

Think about Nazi Germany. What if the people had risen up and ousted Hitler? There would still be tens of thousands of people who still believed in him, his philosophies, and his platform. Those people would still meet regularly to discuss how to gain power again. They'd go to work for the key companies, climb corporate ladders, and attempt to construct the Fourth Reich, because they were never beaten in battle and proven to be wrong.

Without a full on civil war, how do we castrate the psychopaths that would throw out our Constitution, Bill of Rights, and our entire democracy for their authoritarian white hellscape?

An election won't do it.

And especially one where some milquetoast like Biden wins, who is the least inspiring thing since... ever.
