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johnnyFive  ·  1378 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: The Death Penalty Can Ensure ‘Justice Is Being Done’

More the latter. Our legal system is basically a giant case of hide-the-ball, in that we create rituals that make it seem like we're not doing what it is that we're doing.

Meanwhile, I disagree with the second statement. As Camus wrote in Reflections on the Guillotine:

    Indeed, no one dares speak directly of the ceremony. Officials and journalists who have to talk about it, as if they were aware of both its provocative and its shameful aspects, have made up a sort of ritual language, reduced to stereotyped phrases. Hence we read at breakfast time in a corner of the newspaper that the condemned "has paid his debt to society" or that he has "atoned" or that "at five a.m. justice was done." The officials call the condemned man "the interested party" or "the patient" or refer to him by a number. People write of capital punishment as if they were whispering. In our well-policed society we recognize that an illness is serious from the fact that we don't dare speak of it directly. For a long time, in middle-class families people said no more than that the elder daughter had a "suspicious cough" or that the father had a "growth" because tuberculosis and cancer were looked upon as somewhat shameful maladies. This is probably even truer of capital punishment since everyone strives to refer to it only through euphemisms.