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cgod  ·  1398 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Pubski: June 24, 2020

I live in one of the most liberal cities in the U.S. Trump got 17% of the vote in the county, the city is left of the county in general. I live in the most racially diverse part of town presumably putting it left of the city (I'm not sure that's exactly true when the general populace is this liberal.

I'm finding the narrative that first it's men, and second conservatives, who are not wearing their mask tiresome. it seems like it's a straight 30% across race, sex and creed.

That jibes with my world view. People are fucked up pretty evenly across all the divides, I wish they weren't, I don't want to kill my mom for a few dollars or a cup of coffee.