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am_Unition  ·  1569 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Why is my bash loop not working?

I'm pretty sure the sorting is doing msCam1.avi, then msCam10.avi, msCam11.avi, all the way up to msCam19, before it makes it to msCam2. I just checked, and that's how my "ls -v" command sorts things.

Not sure about the rest, but that's probably gotta get fixed first. I deal with shit like this all of the time, but not in a command shell (bash). I primarily use IDL, Matlab, and Python, so I'm not terribly helpful here. Apologies!

Also, I suspect you're working on distilling security cam footage, a cam which is triggered by a motion sensor apparently at least 15 times per day. Did I win?