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thenewgreen  ·  1747 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Power of clothing: what you wear helps careers, dating, and success

If you don’t own a coffee shop and are trying to climb the corporate latter, it would be wise to dress well. But you’d probably look pretty silly in a suit at work. If you think of clothing as a tool, you wouldn’t use a hammer to eat your cereal. You wouldn’t wear shorts to a corporate dinner.

mk is fond of saying “nobody trusts a scientist in a suit.” I think he’s right.

I like to dress for the part. I enjoy clothing.

When I sell my business, I’m traveling a ton. I’m buying the most comfortable clothing for air travel :)

I could wear whatever I wanted now. I want to wear the appropriate thing within my aesthetic. 80% of the time that involves a hoodie.