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kleinbl00  ·  2110 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Our homes don’t need formal spaces

    For a recent study, UCLA-affiliated researchers in fields ranging from anthropology to sociology used cameras to record in great detail how 32 dual-income families living in the Los Angeles area used their homes.

Jesus Christ. Links to Marketwatch which links to a blog which links to another blog which links to the Wall Street Journal from July 6, 2012. Which talks about a book that covers a study from 2001-2005.

32 families. Double-income. In LA. During the Iraq War.

I mean, sure. Nobody uses their formal dining room unless they're formally dining, and nobody uses the spare bedroom unless they have guests over. But pretending that somehow we've discovered something new, rather than warming over a tiny ethnographic cross-section from a time when Celebrity Deathmatch was still on the air, is disingenuous at best.