Yeah, exactly.
I was reading another article from Steve yesterday (yep) on passive income that made me think about what I'd do if I had so much money I wouldn't have to work anymore. The End Game Of Passive Income.
I made a list of what I'd do if I had so much money, and another list of what I'd do with all the time I'd have. And I have to say, that thinking trail got me so down that I went off to do some physical chores to get my mind straight. There's nothing down that road if you're not already happy and content now, doing the things that you really want to be doing, right now.
Some examples of items on the "if I had so much time" list were travelling, hiking more, composing music, writing a book, reading more fiction, working in dog rescue shelter, developing games, starting a meaningful website, ...
It made me realize that I could already be doing all the things on those lists (especially the items on the "if I had so much time" list), but that I'm not. I just had a 3 month summer holiday where I did basically none of the things in the "time" list, though I had all the time in the world. I don't seem to be capable to get myself to do them somehow. That's what depressed me the most. But then, perhaps that was Steve's subtle intention... I ended up in the vicious trap of asking myself "what's wrong with me!?" and "why am I putting off doing the things I love?". Ugly place to end up in.
Then I started writing down my excuses for not doing all those things, item per item. It basically came down to either "no one to do it with", "no money to do it", "no time to do it" (lol), "fear of doing it" and "no motivation/energy/drive to start doing it".
Guess my problem isn't a lack of time or money. They're just excuses.