Yeah I find that the most difficult part of making games- finishing them! It's so easy to just leave it there to gather dust once you've completed a reasonable portion of it.
Oh in case you want some more OpenGL tutorials: Nehe's tutorials are really good. But maybe you've found out about those already too!
KA is so incredibly popular nowadays! And they deserve it. I haven't used it for quite a while now though, so much to do... Gl with it!
Now you got me wondering if it's Python! Ah:
- All of the user’s code is written using JavaScript and uses Processing.js to generate all the graphics.
Ohh so it's equivalent to TSO over here. Now it makes sense! I was in TSO as well. I did "Techniek Wetenschappen", which focused on maths/physics/chemistry/biology. We didn't get any programming though. Our "Informatica" course which we had only during the first 2 years didn't go any farther than "How to use Word/Excel".... which was pretty useless.