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oyster  ·  2529 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: A conservative argument for gun violence restraining orders

Are you more comfortable with synonym humbleness ? It is insane that people think owning a gun makes them capable of handling it. That's like buying a car and just deciding you can drive. Or deciding you can race because you can handle driving around your suburban neighbourhood.

A little humbleness or humility would have likely caused that woman to think twice about leaving a handgun out that morning because she would have understood that if something could go wrong she would have a dead child. Evidently her arrogance cost her.

And then we have this arrogant twat who's arrogance keeps her from understanding how opening fire in a busy parking lot on shoplifters was the wrong thing to do. She sure could benefit from not being an arrogant twat or in other words being more humble

    As for unintentional firearm injuries , Weiser said, the third-grade girl he treated was not the only accidental gunshot wound he saw in a child. Another such injury involved a boy around 9 who was given a handgun for his birthday. "He shot his 6-year-old brother, playing in the backyard," Weiser said

You know what kind of person buys their 9 year old a handgun and just lets them play with it in the backyard ? An arrogant fucking idiot. It's the same bulllshit arrogant mentality that makes people believe they are just good at driving drunk and that they are above the law.

Other countries have mental health problems, underfunded social programs, poor people, drug addicts without the ridiculous gun violence problems yours has. What they might be lacking is an infestation of arrogant morons who feels that their fantasy of being a hero good guy with a gun is more important than the safety of children. I have never and will never feel like my ability to feel good about myself overrides my duty to give a fuck about other people. You've got to stop pretending you're only gun problem is related to angry young men.