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kleinbl00  ·  2325 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Fantastic Year for Geminid Meteor Shower

Dude the 2002-2004 Porsche 996 is the ultimate Miata. And they're cheap right now. If you told me cars would actually go up in value ten years ago I would have laughed in your face but if you told me Porsches would depreciate an annoyingly small amount I would have agreed because Porsche people are like the Apple people of old - they hang onto their shit until it's completely obsolete. And cars don't get obsolete.

Go drive one. I've hated Porsches my entire life but once I took one around the block I started to understand. by the time I'd done a few hundred miles of the PCH I was in awe. They're just great little cars. $90k great? Well, I don't think anything is $90k great. $20k great? hell to the yes.