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ghostoffuffle  ·  2377 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Consumer Bureau Loses Fight to Allow More Class-Action Suits

I heard a piece about this on the radio two days ago, and it was maybe the first time I've ever found myself screaming obscenities at my car speakers. How Republicans can push this as pro-consumer with a straight face is confounding- they seem to have chosen an especially clumsy defense:

    You have to ask the question: Whose benefit is that for? Is it really for the consumer or is it for the lawyers? And I think the answer is pretty clear — it's not for the consumer.

John Cornyn. Thanks, buddy. That was the quote that got me cussing in traffic, but from an internet search of "Republicans class action lawyers", it looks like that's not just one shitty soundbyte from one especially tone-deaf legislator trying to justify his poor behavior, but THE MAIN TALKING POINT that Repubs have chosen to tout this action. Shameful.

After everything I've seen from congress in the past 8 or so years, and especially in the past 10 months, I'm not sure why this episode is the one that finally dismantled my faith in the legislative process. But here we are.