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tacocat  ·  2444 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: An ad for Job Cigarette Papers by Alphonse Mucha

I mean it's honestly pretty awesome just looking at it as an image and being unaware of things I sometimes take into account such as medium. But weighing that kind of thing at all seems to create opinions that I feel are nuanced but are obnoxious at best when I fail to carefully unload my pretentions to someone who doesn't have time for that bullshit.

I'll mention that I've done sketches that were much more satisfying than the final product. It sucks. It's cool that you even notice the distinction. I think every artist would know what it's like to accept a level of failure that occurs frequently. But I've said things like that before to people who get hung up on the word failure.

But words mean different things to different people at different times even. Imma just go get drunk and read Wittgenstein. (Not really.)