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thenewgreen  ·  2509 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Shake it up. Offer up one somewhat unpopular opinion that you hold.

    Cats are an invasive species and should be managed as such.
I'm with ya here. We have relatively new neighbors across the street. They have three cats. All of them are "outdoor" cats, which means they never come inside. Why? Why would that be an appealing thing to own?

Anyways, we have a number of bird feeders (sorry @rd95) outside of a large window in our kitchen. There are mornings when we will have deer, squirrels, hummingbirds, cardinals etc all out there at the same time. But now... at least once a week I see one of there damned cats out there stalking the animals (not the deer) and often walking away with a chipmunk in their mouths. Like our bird feeders are an all you can eat buffet.

I now keep rocks near my front door and throw them at them. Yep, I'm that guy. Outdoor cats suck.