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OftenBen  ·  2597 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Why everyone hates the GOP's new healthcare plan

Minor point about 'automated billing/accounting.'

I work in medical research. I write up and authorize orders for a broad range of research sponsored medical testing. In theory, our system is set up in such a way that when I write the order, it sends the bill to my research account, and the patient never even knows that there was a charge. In practice, about half the time, my patients get a bill and are very vocal about it (Thankfully).

This isn't to shut down the point entirely, just to illustrate that automation when taken as a class, still has a lot of bugs to be worked out, and until such a time that happens, it actually takes more work than if the robo-biller hadn't been involved at all.