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kleinbl00  ·  2626 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Minimalism: another boring product wealthy people can buy

    I also hate it as an aesthetic: your white-on-white-on-white life and meticulously crafted wardrobe of only the most wispy products Everlane and Aritzia have to offer are, frankly, a saltine cracker’s idea of what a Cool Girl would wear.

The Everlane link:

    Can Everlane Really Become the Next J.Crew?

    Being minimalist in this way – “Stop wasting money on all that IKEA nonsense! With this $4,000 dining table hand-whittled by a failed novelist in Scandinavia, you will never need another piece of furniture!”

This caption is below an Instagram shot of a backsplash literally home-made out of black-painted plywood.

    They all imply that they are in some way a moral upgrade from the life of “mindless consumerism”, and as a bonus, allow you to take on some of the desirable aesthetics and morality of poverty without ever having to be poor. You’re not homeless, you’re on the road, doing some chic van-living and following the good weather!

Projection ain't just a river in egypt.

    You’re not unable to afford basic home goods, you’re choosing to pare everything down to a single cardboard box!

The kids are allright.