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goobster  ·  2900 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: I trolled my IRS scammers for weeks. I learned something really dark.

I've been targeted by this IRS scam for the last two years or so. Two or three calls a week. Always from different numbers. They always leave a message, "This is the IRS calling about unpaid fees... blah blah blah..."

When I first got the call, I called the number they told me to call, and as soon as I heard the crappy phone queue message, I realized this was NOT the IRS and hung up.

Now I have an entry in my phonebook that is named "scammer", and every time they call I add the number to that contact in my phone book.

And I have chosen "Block this caller" on that contact. So if they ever use the same number, the call gets blocked.

It ain't elegant, but it works.