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oyster  ·  2771 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: The Most Important WikiLeaks Revelation Isn’t About Hillary Clinton

Why is it self-reinforcing ? The government reflects society. Everybody wants to call this election a dumpster fire as if it's somehow separate but in reality it represents a dumpster fire which is harsh I know. Fixing that dumpster fire has nothing to do with changing who's in charge. The only way it becomes self reinforcing is if people get cozy in said dumpster fire.

Hillary is good with how America and the political system are so what's bad is the country and political system. I wouldn't say Hillary is less bad, I would say she's good and that really sucks. A lot of people through out history were good even though they wouldn't be by today's standards. I don't think of them as bad, I think they were good and I'm happy I didn't live then.