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kleinbl00  ·  2771 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: The Most Important WikiLeaks Revelation Isn’t About Hillary Clinton

That's not what we're arguing about here. You keep asserting that Clinton is "evil" with no real basis to do so. Your sternest criticism is basically "she's a seasoned politician." That's not the lesser of two evils - that's a known quantity vs. an unknown (and untrusted) quantity.

I saw a meme this morning. it said something ridiculous like... no wait a minute.

So the half billion is pure crazy talk. That said, Benghazi is something like $30m and Whitewater was like $80m. 25 years? Also bullshit but also, the Clintons were under perpetual investigation for like five years, and Hillary has testified before Congress like eight times and has so far been subject to, at worst, mild rebuke.

I know it's easy, appealing and empowering to say "lesser of two evils" but I repeat: OBJECTIVELY speaking, Hillary Clinton is flawed at worst.