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goobster  ·  2765 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Pubski: September 28, 2016

I hated history throughout school... and almost the day I graduated, I fell deeply in love with it.

There's a good place to start: Lies My Teacher Told Me

It is an unfortunate title (not chosen by the author!!) that seems to lay the blame in the wrong place, but regardless of the poorly selected title, the content is a fantastic look at why history - REAL history - is important, and how our culture teaches terrible history due to systemic failures.

Which will eventually lead you to looking into how history schoolbooks are chosen by a few utter nutballs in Texas with big religious axes to grind, and little knowledge of history.... and piss you off so bad, you will have no end to your rage.

And then you'll realize that history is many things, and not one thing, and that you will find a specific time or place or people who will interest you, and you will read/learn about them from many different angles, and wind up with a rich understanding of them, yourself, culture, and humanity.

It's a glorious journey. Enjoy it!