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ButterflyEffect  ·  2777 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Who else went to Burning Man? 1st Time Burner AMA

    In the end, it is a city of 70k people, and - just like any other city of 70k people -

This is an important message. It feels like a lot of younger don't necessary feel that way. A city of 70k can feel small or insignificant compared to the New Yorks or San Frans of the world, especially in your early-mid twenties. When the media and peers push the overwhelming nature of having everything to do with no work to find it, it can make a city of 70k feel like a ghost town. But there's always something there, it just means you have to work for it. And that might be the most rewarding part, right?
