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goobster  ·  2786 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Pubski: September 7, 2016

99% of them won't qualify for entry into your Monkeysphere, so don't sweat it.

There are tricks for remembering names, though.

A friend of mine who is a photographer actually takes a "mental photo". He shakes the person's hand, and while doing so, repeats the person's name, and blinks - like a photo shutter closing - and takes a mental picture with the audio tag of him saying the person's name. It works for him.

For me, it was a realization that remembering someone's name is about respect, not about your capacity to remember, or not. We can all remember names when we want/need to. Like that hot girl/guy at the bar... you remember their name, why can't you remember the FedEx guy's name?

Lack of respect. It's that simple.

When I realized that, I pretty much instantly began remembering everyone's name. I know because I was in a weekend-long group event with about 60 other people I didn't know, so I had ample practice that evening, and throughout the weekend.

Remembering names is easy. But every name you remember is not going to be a part of your Monkeysphere, so cut yourself a little slack. :-)