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am_Unition  ·  2909 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: NASA Probes Witness Powerful Magnetic Storms Near Earth, a Space First

SPEDAS is kind of a disaster. It runs on IDL, proprietary software, with licenses costing around $800, or $100 for a student license. It also breaks on a bi-weekly basis. You have to go re-download the latest version of the library to make it run again. IDL might be my favorite language to write in, as it's what I started with, but free is nice, and Python libraries are growing at a faster rate.

    I need to flip pictures to negative just to know wtf is there

I haven't had this problem. If you need me to send you a screen shot of a figure, I think I could do that.

Take your time digesting this, you're making me look bad! Hahah