Radler for me, barkeep. The weather is lovely, and a summery beery drink is just the ticket. Project Re-Plumb The Whole House is basically complete, on time, and within budget. Our plumber did a brilliant job... now I just gotta finish things... like skinning the walls, tiling the bathroom walls and floor, repairing the parts of the ceiling and walls that had to come out to get access to the pipes, etc. But at least I am able to sleep in my own bed again. Yay! Found a contractor to finish the bathroom yesterday. He starts next week. So between now and Monday I need to remove/move all the electrical in the bathroom - switches, lights, fan, etc - to their new locations, then build a new suspended ceiling, so the contractor can come in and tile the walls and floor. The end is in sight. And my wedding is in exactly two months. Picked out my Joseph Abboud tuxedo. Black, lightweight, single-button, modified shawl collar.... very classic. Found the "continental" style tie I want to wear. Now I need to find shirt studs, cuff links, and a tie tack (for the center of the continental tie) that match my bride's light blue dress. I'm kicking ass at work. And that's about all there is to say about that. And my new motorcycle - a 1981 BMW R100s - is just enchanting. We are getting to know each other, and building a relationship. Her shift linkage came apart the other day on the freeway, but I was able to get back on the road again when a nearby friend brought me the one nut I needed to re-assemble the linkage. All in all, life is damn fine.