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goobster  ·  3020 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Pubski: January 27, 2016

Didn't get the job I was really hoping for. Apparently I was neck-in-neck with another candidate. They loved both of us. And basically flipped a coin. But they assured me they are growing, and I am the first person to call on their list.

I pulled the motorcycle out of storage on the utterly lovely Sunday we had here in Seattle, and after getting home I set a fire in the burn barrel in the back yard, sat down and broke the wax on the cap of a bottle of Makers 46, and thought about how good life is, as the fire burned, the sun went down, my buzz came on, and my dog snored next to me.

I'm pretty fucking enchanted with my life this week, Pubski.