This situation is being complicated by the fact that the leak is in one of my boiler lines, so that my choice is between not having heat (it's 20 degrees atm), and barely having heat but paying $50 a day for the privilege. As of now, I'm opting for the no heat, supplemented with a fire and space heaters. The best part is the conversation I had with my insurance company. Me: I have to tear up my floor and the concrete to fix a leak. How should I go about it so that I make it easiest on both of us? Evil insurance adjuster: Are there visible signs of damage to the house, sir? Me: Not that I can find, but I'm losing 12 gallons of water per hour. I can surmise that it's going somewhere. EIA: Well if there's no damage, then you don't have a claim. Me: But the pipe is damaged. EIA: That's wear and tear. Something has to be damaged as a result of it. If any insulation, for example, is wet, then you have a claim. Me: They don't put insulation under slabs. EIA: If only the soil is damaged, then that would not be a claim. Me: So what if I let the leak go for a year, and a sinkhole opened up and swallowed my house. Would you pay the total loss claim on that? EIA (without a hint of detectable irony): Yes.