I suspect each phase has different pros and cons. Pre kids and career? Easier to get away but low funds. Middle of career? Easier to afford a trip but hard to do much more than a week. Retired? Can get away but moving slower overall.
My life phase is "career, no kids, single, has cats." I can take short trips pretty easily. More than a week I feel bad about the cats (even with someone checking in), and I stress about leaving work for longer. But a four day weekend and occasional full week? Oh yeah. When I was traveling to see concerts, my friends and I used to joke if there were any amazing concerts announced with short notice, all we needed was about a week's notice and could be anywhere in the US or Canada. The shortest notice I followed through on was 24 hours. I once got a friend to fly from Washington DC to Milwaukee in less than three hours. Being in our late 20s with careers but early in them, with no kids was a fun time.