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thenewgreen  ·  3076 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Pubski: December 2, 2015

    my goal is to manage to somehow make 3k/month by the end of next year
You can do it! You have a lot going for you elizabeth. Many people would chide you for saying you have weaknesses etc. but I think its awesome that you are self-aware enough to know what you are good at and what you are not. Moreover, you know what you enjoy working on and what you do not. You should hit up insomniasexx for any free-lance tips. My advice to you would be the same I gave her. Do this. Start a business and get too much work. When you have too much work bring on an employee. Then get too much work again and bring on another, then another and eventually, you have a business that you founded that is successful. Million dollar companies start out with $36k a year revenue goals for one person.

Have fun in asia, I fully expect some bad-ass photography. Speaking of which, check out the #decemberphotochallenge.

Glad to hear about all this good stuff coming your way!