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ButterflyEffect  ·  3076 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Pubski: December 2, 2015

Finally bit the bullet and made a bunch of music related purchases (kleinbl00)...

Audio Interface

Mic and such

Anyone have some free/cheap VST recommendations / should I get a MIDI controller while I'm at it too? Tempted to buy a pedal or two on top of this. I'm going to use Reaper as a DAW because I really, really don't need much more than that and if I watch enough tutorials I'm sure I can figure out some cool stuff with it. Extremely excited to start recording music, the only bummer is the interface doesn't ship for about 3 weeks. But come January, oh boy. Between that and starting to DJ again...but maybe it means I haven't ever really grown up or something? I don't know. Music is fun and a passion and that's what matters.

Also I'm being published in a zine this month so that's fun.