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am_Unition  ·  3117 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Baseless Calls to Expand Surveillance Fit Familiar, Cynical Pattern

Had no idea it was a physically "not able to type right now", just thought you were strapped for time. Hope you heal soon! :(

Sorry, had to stalk your comment history. I've had a radial fracture myself, and I almost threw up from the pain. I was playing ultimate frisbee on a dewy (not the decimal system) morning, and I hadn't bought my cleats yet. Went up for a catch in the endzone, came down with no coefficient of friction, and succumbed to my natural reaction to brace myself. I walked to the University clinic with the wrist braced flat on a frisbee. Somehow managed to get an A in my "Ultimate Frisbee Kinesiology" class, despite sitting out the next 2 months, cuz I had to have surgery... during the preparation for which my mom used morphine's truth serum properties to interrogate me on the state of my spirituality. Good times!!

So I broke the same wrist again almost exactly one year later, skateboarding, and now I Just lift weights.

Edit: Oh, and you don't have to respond to this for at least a month, just hope you can read and enjoy :)