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user-inactivated  ·  3274 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: How much of your identity are you hiding? How much of it do you display?

You've been busy, indeed! Good things are going for you, and I'm glad for you. What kind of art have you been working on?

    Is there someone above her you can go to, to at least get some concerns aired?

Indeed. I've been talking with our group's curator about it. It was she that told me to try and pay no attention to it. There is, of course, the faculty dean and her committee. We'll have to wait until Tuesday to meet the teacher and possibly talk to her about it. I'm not sure if I can keep my head cool enough to have the most reasonable conversation, but I'll surely give it a shot. I'll let you know about how it went with a private message - is that alright with you?