The remnants of Patricia are beginning to pass over my head as we speak - It just started to rain about 5 minutes ago. It's gonna get ugly, but nowhere near as ugly as it was down south so I'd call us lucky. I have to wander in to work to talk to a co-worker. She had a job opportunity for me who was supposed to call me, but hasn't yet, so I'm going to check on it, see what's up. This is my last week at my restaurant job, so I'm hoping for a smooth transition into another job ASAP. Still looking at going to Toronto. Probably next week? leave here thursday afternoon, come home saturday night/sunday morning? Need to meet with the lady i want to have as a thesis supervisor. That's also my birthday weekend, which is cool and fun for me. I found a groupon deal for laser hair removal from a place with a good rep that wasn't too expensive, and my folks paid for half as my b-day present. It will be nice to not have to worry about a beard all the time.