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elizabeth  ·  3154 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: What is your greatest weakness?

Attention to detail

I've known it for a long time, but it manifested itself way more than I expected this summer at my internship. It feels like I can't write a sentence without making 5 typos and grammatical mistakes. And add to that formatting problems and stuff I forget to fix after we discuss it with my boss because somehow I didn't write it down, even if i do try to write everything. I really felt like a chicken without a head...

Everybody was really nice about it and stuff, but my supervision genuinely and very nicely even mentioned I might want to reconsider my career choice (I felt like I wanted to work in a marketing agency developing campaigns) because of that flaw...

Any tips? Do you think it's something I can work hard on and overcome or should I really look into other options that play more to my strengths? Hard questions :( What kind of career can you even have these days as a careless person? goddamit