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insomniasexx  ·  3184 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Pubski: August 26, 2015

OMG so I'm so excited to share with you this week. I was up all night BUILDING A FUCKING CHROME EXTENSION! It's so FUCKING EASY! It's just HTML in a tiny itty-bitty fun sized container. And if you link to another HTML page it opens. And if you link to an HTML page with target="_blank" it opens in a tab.

Okay look look look!

Basically, what this is going to be, is essentially what the website is (a place for people to make Ether wallets / send transactions without command line and doing as much client-side as we can. Even send transactions just signs the transaction with the private key and sends that off rather than sending or storing the private key at any point) but as a Chrome extension WITH STORAGE. People are begging for a blockchain.info type of set up but kvhnuke and I refuse to take a decentralized system and give it a centralized UI (like blockchain.info). We hope to add contract functionality and open up an API so sites/dapps like http://groupgnosis.com/ can give users the option to use our extension rather than having geth or another command line tool running.

I have also smoked two cigarettes like _refugee_...but it's only 10am and I've been up since 8:30am. :P