Its not really so much the fact that he actually does like firing people (which is his actual words and are very easy to take out of context, and really should have been avoided like the plague), but that he's become associated with that quote. Then there's also Romney and Me, where you get to see how much money he makes compared to you. Regardless of political beliefs, which he has been notably inconsistent on, Romney is not the candidate that would be able to beat Obama. Not by a long shot. He's too much the stereotypical rich republican, a very wealthy, disconnected man who comes off as a bit weasley and nervous. So far he's sort of been carried by everyone elses flaws; Ron Paul is too much not a republcian to get the nomination, Rick Santorum was too crazy, Newt Gingrich was too airheaded, Michelle Bachmann was too much the butt of a bad joke, and really everyone up until this point has been a "Can we seriously not find anyone besides Mitt Romney?" candidate. I'm actually really disappointed by that. Obama isn't my favorite President, I'll be honest, but he's not terrible and I've gotten off very nicely thanks to being on my parents health insurance plan until I'm 26 (which saves me money that I need for things like college or clothes or food and whatever.) It'd be nice to see a challenger who could actually pose a challenge in debates, and someone who could actually make a decent president if they won. Instead we're presidented with a very ineffectual, very unrelatable republican candidate, up against a President who is on the rebound on hasn't really had to pull any big punches yet to stay ahead.