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newgameplus  ·  4575 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Atheism and Oppression
That is of course, however, not how all atheists are. In fact, I would like to believe that it is only a vocal minority that act as such. Even on reddit there appears to be a general disdain for r/atheism despite atheists being a majority on the site (according to demographic polls). I'm an atheist and the only remarkable thing about it is how much it doesn't affect my life. I just don't even think about spirituality on any kind of consistant basis.

Additionally, many members of the New Atheist Movement are beginning to specifically identify as such or as antitheists. If you want to distant yourself from them you can by saying you're atheist but not antitheist, agnostic or a secular humanist. Then again, it may just not be important to you.

As for this,

    I have no more right to criticize for said belief than someone has for mine.
while true, for better or for worse, I would say you both have to right to criticize each other will all your heart.