You know how people like to say "I like all music" even when it isn't vaguely true? I don't much care for swing. I mixed it for a living for three years so I can say this authoritatively. And I don't much care for R&B, although rap I do fine with (as in, I had a guest subscription to Stone's Throw for six months and deleted it all with no compunction whatsoever yet I own more than a little Public Enemy). And try as I might, the Aphex Twin/Autechre school of electronic music strikes me as "trying too hard/learn to play" music. But I own everything Air Liquide has ever done, so there you go. I keep trying to get into Dubstep. Seeing as it's basically a raga riff on anthem trance and I dig ragas and I dig anthem trance, it's a natural combo. But I think it's the lack of musicality that bugs me. But beyond that, I will entertain anything.