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kleinbl00  ·  3396 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: The 2015 Goals Weekly Morale Menagerie - Fortnightly Check-in (15th Jan)

- Move out of LA

...well, that wasn't going to happen in two weeks. However, we're meeting with a commercial real estate agent in Seattle in two weeks and spending 8 days up there fostering connections and establishing a network.

- Rebuild wife's business in another market

See previous. The massive GIS analysis from hell is nearing completion, thanks to veen. We essentially have three different verifications of an independent hypothesis, which makes me feel pretty good about its accuracy. We also have an architect looking at plans.

- Learn WWIse & FMod


Test was gnarly. The quizzes are these cute little things that you get to check and recheck. The certification test was 80 questions, 90 minute time limit and full of super-tedious minutiae. You get two whacks at it and then they bill you $200 again. Oh, and you have to get 90% or better. I got 91%, and I don't think I would have done better healthy.

- Add another industry to roster

The next step is probably to learn Unity, at which point I'll probably start coding some goofy little games. I'm trying to work a way towards getting FMod certification for less than they want, 'cuz they want a lot. Then I'll maybe whip out some shitty little iPhone game just to prove I can. Maybe something unspeakably awesome like Frozen Anna Give Birth A Baby. Yes, it's a Buzzfeed link. Yes, you still must click it.

Oh, yeah. And my book went from "dead in the water begging for scraps" to "my agent wants the editor who discovered Robert Ludlum and Thomas Harris to take a look at it."

So that's nice.

- Log into MyFitnessPal every goddamn day
