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tacocat  ·  3421 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Ask Hubski: Long Lost Loves

I was really attracted to this girl in my degree program who I didn't know but had a bad reputation for being whiny and not a hard worker. I wooed her a bit one day because I'm funny and she was taking pictures of us building a sculpture. We decided to hang out and she picked me up after class with one of her friends in the back seat. Her friend, Giovanna was physically pretty much exactly my type but she didn't say much and Jessica was already interested so I didn't think too much about that decision.

The relationship with Jessica was a train wreck. I'm pretty prickly anyway and she was a basketcase in private so there was a lot of shouting. She was neurotic and irrationally insecure.

Giovanna was actually very confident despite my first impression of her in the car when she seemed to be very bummed out. She was inquisitive, could be vulnerable and receptive in moments despite usually being self assured most of the time. We ended up hanging out a fair bit and clicked much better in my mind.

I don't know if she had any feelings for me. She might have just been very nice to me on account of her friend. You start to intrude on a friendship and it's a different situation than two people interacting. I'm pretty sure she knows how I felt. I danced around it a few times talking to her and I made a little sculpture for her pretty well out of nowhere.

She's married now.