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swedishbadgergirl  ·  3422 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Ask Hubski: Long Lost Loves

Okay, so i had a big crush on a teacher - like holy fuck stop it you are probably freaking this person out so much - and well, they must have known because they were very, very smart and amazing and i would just sit there hanging on to every word, not being able to concentrate in class because I could talk to this person. They had the most amazing stories too - like holy shit you did what .

In Sweden the relationship between teacher and student is more casual to so they would eat with us in school and tell amazing stories.

I mean, half my class was in love with her in some capacity - everyone would hang on to her every word and laugh at her jokes and try to impress her. Like it was embarrassing, but we were all doing it.

But we were a nice class on this just meant she got a class that was VERY good at chemistry.

I mean, we were the nicest class really, whenever our mentor was sick we would have like half the schools teachers want to jump in - maybe because they all seemed to love our teacher A LOT.

Like, I understand why. There was a new teacher who was super young, 25 - like he just graduated - and they were flirting A LOT. Like when she went to talk to him she once said;

"And when I come back i don't want to hear any rumors" and then realized what she had said and hurried out.

(For context there is a teacher at the school who is basically the most beautiful person I've ever seen - like amazingly so - who had a really hard time teaching since most of the schools male population was drooling over her (including the teachers) it was the funniest thing ever to see my smart amazing (mostly male) teachers try to talk to her - they all acted as nervously as her students. And because teenage boys are dicks there was a persistent rumor that she had slept with a male teacher. This rumor had been going around for as long as she'd been at the school. And honestly? i think it might have been true. Those two had chemistry. But even if that was true? Shut the fuck up and mind your own business jerk-faces. She's an adult woman who sleeps with whomever she wants. And they were all convinced she was flirting with them. I mean, if she looked at them they would think she wanted to sleep with them because they were really good at projecting.)

Ehrm... Where was I. Oh right.


People in my class were convinced they were sleeping together.

And I was all "You know she has a daughter his exact age, right? And that she has been married to the same person for like 25 years? The woman has some self control people! She probably thinks he is cute in an adorable way, not in a weird slightly uncomfortable way.

I haven't met that teacher in 1 1/2 year by the way.

I still like her a weird amount though.

I mean I have crushes on people my age to, but there is something about forbidden fruit isn't there? You remember what you had to resist more.