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mk  ·  4843 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Obama, financial war and the elimination of DSK

I think that this world needs a news source that builds a reputation investigating conspiracy in a neutral tone. For me, the problem with this article, which we find may have been spot on, is the approach and tone it takes. The emotional of the article plays into the hands of conspirators that it seeks to point out. For example:

"The spectacle of this shattered destiny is suggestive of ancient tragedy. The Roman saying: "Arx tarpeia Capitoli proxima" comes to mind: the Tarpeian Rock from which a convicted person was hurled to his death was close to the Capitol, the symbol of power and greatness. Leaving aside any considerations of his innocence or guilt, the steamrolling of such a high-profile personality can only provoke anguish in the ordinary citizen. If someone like him is unable to defend himself, then how can we hope to succeed if we were to be accused like him?"

This essay is making at least two arguments: 1) It smells like DSK was set up, and 2) We should be afraid of these powers that be. IMHO, if the first argument is made successfully, there is no need to make the second.

I am imagining a source that lays out possible interpretations of events, and assigns verifiable facts to each interpretation. Or, possibly a Wikipedia of events. Wikivents. Wouldn't that be an interesting edit history?