1. We neeeeeed the rain. 2. It still amazes me how concise and eloquent y'all motherfuckers can be even when writing a lot/drunk/hung ov/emotionally charged. 3. I admit I was obsessed with k for a minute 'cause he sounded much smahter than me when he replied to a comment and that can be infuriating when you feel more comfortable following certain internet trialogue edicate. Wanting to make the insightful yet just-pithy-enough response, I'm always afraid of someone calling me out on my bulsh and I'm still shocked when they do and I get defensive and paranoid. 4. Now in my experience, we're all just talking to ourselves, trying to convince yourself through others. But online you have time to edit and review your entries, creating a persona that doesn't really reflect the much of the real you. Or maybe showing who you want to be is actually more telling of yourself.