1) It's not like the chemical weapons are new. It's not like they suddenly sprouted up. They've been there for years. Decades, even. A rain of shit on Karl Rove? That's new. And it's a good thing, as Martha Stewart says.
2) I know more about this than you and am more interested in learning about this than you, as evidenced by the fact that you linked to an f'ing Breitbart page instead of the NYT article while I linked to a couple books I've read. You might want to consider that when picking your tone, considering this is our first interaction and you decided to shit down my neck.
4) Seriously, Isis is a joke.
5) No, I mean it. Isis is a joke. I don't mean that in a "funny, ha ha" kind of way but in a "these terrible human war tourists that hate women and torture and behead for fun are about as effective a military threat as The Miami branch of Al Qaeda.
6) You really think somebody, anybody, up to and including an Islamic jihadist is going to somehow pluck a 30-year-old chemical weapons munition and use it effectively in war? Would you care to explain how exactly that would happen? 'cuz I'm all ears.
'cuz here's your choices:
1) Prove me wrong in a big way on everything listed above.
2) Apologize for choosing to be an abject dick in our first interaction.
3) Get muted and ignored.
We value civility around here, Mr. 20 days. We've never talked before, which means I've done nothing to deserve your condescension. So you can either reef it back or you can STFU.
Lemme know. Choice is yours.