I had a collective rageout with my friend together in a group-study room today, so I feel a lot better about things, but This has been a shit week.
I broke the tip of my bow, so I'm using a crappy spare fiberglass bow (with ancient, degrading bowhair on it) while I wait to find out from the bass shop in Cincinnati if they have time to see me on friday or saturday. They STILL have not gotten back to me, and it's starting to get annoying. I'M TRYING TO GIVE YOU MONEY FOR FUCKS SAKE. I also broke my low B string while tuning it, so I need to get a new one of those because my spare sucks. That's another $200 bucks down the drain because bass strings are expensive.
I have a midterm in my 20th century compositional styles class tomorrow. the review sheet was sparse to the point of concerning, and I'm freaking out about it because of all the shit I'm trying to learn which I don't even know if I'm going to need, and it's all so fucking pretentious it makes my head want to explode.
I also have a Bibliography project in my Medieval History course which is bullshit and requires 50 citations. The amount of citations is not a big deal, it's that I have to Organize the citations by what database i got them from, which is the stupidest fucking organizational strategy ever.
I found out I'm going to have to take an unexpected extra class next semester because I had to take a theory review course (which ended up covering none of the things I lost marks on on the entry test) last year. I'm trying to take an independent study to cover the credits necessary, but it's not guaranteed and I have to convince someone to oversee it.
Why am I worried about next semester at a time like this? Because unless I'm signed up for classes for next semester, I can't get a confirmation of enrolment for that semester. Because I don't currently have that confirmation, when I got them to send confirmation of enrolment to OSAP (ontario student loans) using Full year numbers, I was denied for my student loan because my stipend amount was too great. OF COURSE IT IS BECAUSE I GAVE YOU THE FULL YEAR NUMBER AND THEY ONLY CONFIRMED ME FOR A SEMESTER. FUCKERS. Of course, it took me going to the financial aid office here for them to "find" the "lost" email that included the pdf I sent them IN AUGUST of the confirmation of enrolment, so they had just sent it out a week ago instead of a month and a half ago, when I would have had significantly more time to sort out this bullshit.
So now I have to fix that so I can have my expected amount of student loan (instead of having to deal with half, since i have a bank loan too), while getting all this course bullshit out of the way, and practicing all of my parts for orchestra, and chamber music, as well as learning all my repertoire for my recital in April (which I had to reschedule three fucking times because of OTHER PEOPLE'S bullshit).
I'm stressed out, losing sleep, having breakouts on my arms and legs. I'm so sick of all the hoops I have to jump through for other people.
I'll be fine once this week is over. I'm just really over this shit right now.