Yes. 50 to start, or ten per month, etc. There are definitely ways to make it less of a barrier.
As to your idea about doing it behind the scenes, I like it, but I also have to echo flagamuffin. Adding a money layer drives people away. And possibly fast. There's no guarantee that anything we can glean from that experiment could be applicable in a live test. People mostly like free shit. Free shit is either terrible or temporary or you're being set up to be sold down the river.
Anyway it seems like there's not a lot of imagination here. Everyone wants a donation button, but nobody would donate regularly. NPR says something like 1% of regular listeners donate. I can't imagine it'd be much different here. There's value in some creative solution to the funding models that currently exist. I'm NOT saying mine is that solution, but at least it's outside the box, a jump off point for further ideas.