Do I think people should pursue bull-shit endeavors? No. But, I don't see a bunch of traffic and think of how we are all a bunch of cogs either. Spirituality is as many of you have already said, and more. It's a cornerstone upon which a person can build a pillar of morality.
It certainly can be, I agree with that. I think that once you start building a framework around it, it starts to become more akin to religion. Doesn't that make you want to get out from the cogs?
-You know, I get what the images are meant to make me feel, but it doesn't work on me. When I see a bunch of people in cars, in transit, in office buildings or walking the streets I think about how each of those cars, each of those offices and every one of those people on the street are carrying with them ideas, dreams, pursuits, love, heartbreak and passions that unfortunately, I may never get to know. If you speed up any system, back out of the minutia and in to the macro of anything it looks rote. Alright, back to Gibson assembly...
-Good luck with that!