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thenewgreen  ·  3564 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: What do you miss, Hubski?  ·  

I miss my daughter. She is visiting my parents for 2 weeks and that's just way too long.

I miss my band

I miss my friends and family

I miss John Lennon and George Harrison

I miss my dog Hemingway.

I miss birthdays being something to be excited about.

I miss Rollerama

I miss playing tennis at night

I miss breakdancing

I miss Montana

I miss mixed tapes

I miss the sound the VCR made when you loaded/ejected a tape

I miss not having actual responsibilities

I miss acting

I miss crushes

I miss Elliott Smith

I miss Kurt Cobain

I miss Jeff Buckley

I miss my grandma Rameriz's tamales

I miss my Oma's fresh baked bread

I miss being 165 pounds

I miss road head

I miss catholic school

I miss smoking pot

I miss spring breaks

I miss it all... but everything I miss pales in comparison with everything I'm excited for.

edit: Sorry about the breakup pal. -Never easy.