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thenewgreen  ·  3583 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Sports Are for Schadenfreude - Spencer Kornhaber - The Atlantic

Did you watch the game yesterday? Just curious because I haven't had the chance to discuss it with anyone. I couldn't believe I was watching a game at what is supposed to be the highest level of competition in professional sport. Wow. I left the room for 5 or so minutes ( I have small kids) and all of a sudden there were 3 goals!

I was rooting for Germany at the outset but after those first few goals I quickly began hoping that Brazil could put some sort of comeback together. As you no doubt know, no such comeback would happen. 7-1 Germany over Brazil in Brazil -Craziness.

edit: Also, your definition of schadenfreude is well taken but for the casual soccer fan, this game was akin to a kid dropping an ice cream cone. It's not a blood sport for everyone. Though, it should be.