You know those fuckers who have a little bit o'likker in'em and use that (and a pointless non sequitur) to totally derail the conversation? REPRESENT! You know those assholes who can barely wrap their heads around the concept of layers yet somehow feel entitled to give design advice? INNA HOUSE! non-sequitur follows __________________________________________________ So the Crown Royal wants me to mention, before I sober up and go to bed, that I got Francesca detailed today (that's my overly-rare, overly-expensive, overly-fast Italian motorcycle) and discovered on my first downshift that not only had the detail shop DROPPED her, not only had the detail shop broken off the shifter peg, but that they had - wait for it - CRAZY GLUED IT BACK ON. Which is why I spent my afternoon tapping an expensive piece of Italian Ergal with a 5/16-24 tap, riding 12 miles via bicycle to buy 38 cents worth of carriage bolt, kludging the affair back together and then making dinner, taking out the garbage, washing the baby (who has demonstrated her predilections for pooping in the pool not once, not twice, but three times in a row now), taking out the garbage and trying to find Benelli parts online, not necessarily in that order, thus the logical, reasonable, well-thought-out post I started at 2pm? Yeah, never happened. By the way - lane-splitting the 405 at rush hour without a shift knob? Not recommended. END NON SEQUITUR __________________________________________________ Right. So never been fond of the blue, never been fond of the orange. Know they're somehow representative of the site but hate them nonetheless. The logo is, in and of itself, not bad, albeit simplistic. And the general approach taken in the past has always been "here is a circular logo in a square field because square stickers are cheaper." But it kind of... I dunno. misses the point. Here's what I like about Hubski. Random threads I posted in nine months ago bump back up because someone read back to them. Conversations about venus become maudlin discussions of the space program that never was. And what should be a simple "I hate trolls" conversation becomes an intricate discussion about the vagaries of community construction and in amongst that are a bunch of people you know. Reddit was that, once. long, long ago. It sure as fuck isn't any longer. It's the shit between the dots. The fact that the logo is a circle surrounded geometrically by circles yet no one has attempted a fractal yet has bugged me for more than a year. However, since I have minimal art skillz I have let my irritation fester. Unfortunately for you all I've been drinkin'. I'm not sure who came up with the pushing back the darkness a little more. Googling it, it was apparently me. So that's something. Perhaps that gives me a little bit more leeway to pull a dick move like this: I want to see a black field. None of this rounded edges shit. I want corners. I want to see 1/4 of the wheel in the upper left corner. That will show me two half-circles at 3 and 6 o'clock, and one full circle at 4:30. I want to see eight full circles around the full circle at 4:30. I want to see not eight full circles around the partial circles at 3 and 6 o'clock. And then each one of those circles, I want to see circles. And so on. And so on. And so on. I want to see a Mandelbrot hub wheel. I want to see the sun and its planets and their planetoids and their asteroids and their satellites until the printer just can't go any smaller. And I want the wheel white, and I want it to say "Hubski". Not Amazon doesnt say anymore. Google Hubski and will come up. And I want the field black, and in the corner I want to see "Pushing back the dark." If it is my slogan, I get to proofread it. Pushing Back The Dark Go home, K. You're drunk and you have a 7am call. PEACE OUT