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JTHipster  ·  3914 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: The problem with false feminism (or why “Frozen” left me cold)


Frozen is a solid (heh) 8/10. It is good. It is a quality film, really good songs, some fun moments, etc. You can go out and enjoy it; at no point will you sit down and go "man fuck this movie." Disney continues to make mostly decent films (please apologize for Princess and the Frog).


It's Disney's first big 3D film since Tangled and Tangled was great. You want to talk about a classic Disney film? Fucking Tangled. I will fight you on this. Come at me.

So you have a pretty big swell of hype from the first 3D Disney film and Frozen came at a time when "children's films" have mostly died. Go on, name me a quality children's move that's come out in the last, oh, year. Two years? Three years. Four. Four is pretty easy, actually. Four years ago, we had a glut of good films. Since then?

The Lego Movie is out since it was out after Frozen.

That leaves you with TinTin, which was a fine movie but nothing close to a mass appeal Disney film, Brave - a quality movie, it's good don't worry, and shitty comedies. The only okay one that I can think of off the top of my head is The Croods, which was only good because a really excited intern was put in charge of designing the weird animal shapes and had a shit ton of fun with it.

By and large children's animated movies have slowed down incredibly. Pixar does not make films that fast and Dreamworks continues to not learning anything at all from How to Train Your Dragon, as most of it's films continue to be dogshit pressed in to a film reel and then flung at the audience.

So if you're going to compare Frozen with a shitfest like Turbo and Despicable Me 2 then you're expectations, whether you are conscious of them or not, are going to be met very easily. Frozen exceeded expectations by a little bit by having some fun moments, and having a terrible marketing team. The marketing team in the U.S. played it up as a goofy comedy movie for babies when it was in fact a Disney movie, and so everyone went in with super low expectations thinking this was going to be like rubbing your nose in rank asshole (like Despicable Me or Turbo) and instead were pleasantly surprised.

If you're wondering why so many people like things that are just above average, or act like it destroyed their world, it's because by and large people have no standards and aren't familiar with movies to any extent. Anything that is slightly more quality than Transformers will seem like gold when it is in fact dogshit.

Fuck movies.